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Community Prevention Partners (CPP) is a coalition of individuals and organizations who mobilize for policy and environmental change to improve community health and safety in Santa Cruz County.  We focus on preventing substance use disorders and related consequences by reducing Santa Cruz County youth substance use.

CPP works with school districts, parents, youth serving organizations, health care workers, law enforcement agencies, cannabis industry, alcohol merchants, and community members to reduce youth access and availability to alcohol, cannabis, and prescription drugs.  

Substance use disorder is a chronic, treatable, disease! Access to treatment is extremely important, but we believe that without prevention we will never truly be successful. We have a vision of a thriving, healthy community. Since 2010, CPP has been increasing prevention and early intervention as highly effective tools for community health and youth success.  

MISSION: Santa Cruz Community Prevention Partners are dedicated to building a diverse community that promotes health and well being, and enhances youth and community safety through sustainable alcohol and drug prevention efforts. 


Community Prevention Partners is a proud Drug Free Communities Grant Coalition


  • Educate and Provide Information: raise community awareness about substance use trends and prevention strategies that community members can implement at home or support in the community.

  • Build Skills: provide training for Narcan use (opioid overdose reversal drug), support community members to feel comfortable speaking at City Council, help to develop family policies, and empower families to have secure storage of alcohol and other drugs and know where to dispose of unused medications.

  • Provide Support: referrals to youth activities and family resources through 211, and support for our local youth leaders like Friday Night Live and Empower Watsonville.

  • Enhance Access and Reduce Barriers: working on school policies to increase referrals to 7 Challenges to address the root cause of substance use, rather than suspensions.

  • Changes Consequences: include best practices in alcohol and cannabis business licensing requirements and have regular monitoring and compliance checks.

  • Physical Design: reduce the saturation of alcohol outlets, and surveying and altering store design to reduce underage access.

  • Provide research on best practices and community mobilization for long-term policy changes to address the root issues and local conditions that lead to youth substance misuse.

To learn more about our evidence-based strategies, please check out: *CADCA’s 7 Strategies for Change

*Images created by fellow DFC Coalition, Owen County Drug Prevention Coalition


Community involvement is the cornerstone of Community Prevention Partners (CPP)

Community members, like you, with support from diverse organizations in Santa Cruz County, have joined together to develop action plans to reduce and prevent underage drinking, youth cannabis use, and prescription drug misuse.
Click on the initiative images below to learn more about each issue area and actions you can take.

CPP Alcohol Initiative

SafeRx Initiative

CPP Cannabis Initiative

Join us to make the healthy choice the easy choice!